80+ Best High CTR Ad Images (For Website Traffic & Page Like)

(Only 2 Day Sale Left, Price wil Up by 599 INR After that)


  • 39 Tested High CTR Images (India & USA) Traffic
  • 4 Page Like Images Hlgh CTR (India)
  • 5 Page Like Images Hlgh CTR (USA)
  • 23 High CTR Weird Images For News Articles Traffic
  • 90 Other High CTR Images (India & USA) Traffic (You Can Test)
  • Base Templates

Product Overview

  • Use Case: Facebook Ads
  • Image Format: .PNG, .JPEG
  • Target Audience: India & USA
  • Key Objectives: Images only be used for website traffic & Facebook page like

Product Highlights

  • Highlight 1: Tested Images by agencies
  • Highlight 2: Images can be fit for any targeting
  • Highlight 3: Upto 50% CTR can be achived


  • Use campaign budget optimization
  • Make 2 adset of 3 ads each.
  • Use diffrent image in each ads. (make sure ad copy will be same).
  • Target: Whole Country, man, agre 18-65
  • Platform target: Facebook News feed & Reels
  • Start with 100 INR daily budget till it achive 0.06 cost per link click for india or 0.65 cost per link click for USA. after this increase your budget slowly.


  • 39 Tested High CTR Images (India & USA) : These can be used direclty for making ads to get bulk traffic on your webpage, these are all tested ads & high performing.
  • 4 Page Like Images Hlgh CTR (India) : These image is used to get facebook page likes.
  • 5 Page Like Images Hlgh CTR (USA) : These image is used to get facebook page likes.
  • 23 High CTR Weird Images For News Articles Traffic : These can also be used direclty for making ads to get CPC traffic on your webpage, these are all tested ads & high performing.
  • 90 Other High CTR Images (India & USA) Traffic (You Can Test) : You can test these images, these are under testing at agency end
  • Base Templates : You can make your own high CTR image with these templates.

Caution: We do not allow resell on these image, if found legal action can be taken.



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